Selasa, 06 Oktober 2009

    SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)

    SEG (Society of Exploration Geophysicists)

    The organization that promotes the science of applied geophysics and the education of geophysicists. Located in Tulsa, Oklahoma, USA. SEG founded in 1930, SEG purpose is fosters the expert and ethical practice of geophysics in the exploration and development of natural resources, in characterizing the near surface, and in mitigating earth hazards. SEG have 35 000 members in 138 countries, fulfills its mission through its publications, conferences, forums, Web sites, and educational opportunities

    In 1930, twenty-nine men and one woman met in Houston at the University Club to found the Society of Economic Geophysicists. SEG have a first president named Donald C. Barton. In 1932, SEG became "Division of Geophysics” of the AAPG. Until 2008 SEG opened the first office outside the US in Beijing, China.

    SEG is dedicated to advancing and promoting the science of geophysics, especially as it relates to exploration and development of petroleum and other minerals, as well as environmental concerns. Membership is open to geoscience disciplines. SEG have 4 type of membership. First Active Membership, must be actively engaged in practicing or teaching geophysics or a related scientific field. Second, Associate membership, must be actively interested in geophysics. Third, Student membership, must be a graduate or undergraduate student in good standing in residence at a recognized university or college. Fourth, Junior membership, open to all pre-university students. And the last is Corporate membership, a corporation or organization that must be actively engaged in geophysical exploration, geophysical research, or a related field, or in furnishing services or products used in geophysical exploration or research, and must have an active interest in supporting the objectives of the society.

    SEG help all geoscientist to publish the jurnal of geosience. SEG publishes two journals. Geophysics, published by SEG since 1936, is an archival journal encompassing all aspects of research, exploration, and education in applied geophysics. The Leading Edge (TLE) is a gateway publication introducing new geophysical theory, instrumentation, and established practices to scientists in a wide range of geoscience disciplines. Most material is presented in a semitechnical manner that minimizes mathematical theory and emphasizes practical applications.

    IPA (Indonesian Petroleum Association)

    IPA(Indonesian Petroleum Association)

    Following the introduction of the production-sharing concept in 1966, Indonesia experienced a period of accelerated growth in petroleum activities, especially in offshore exploration. As the number of individuals and organizations participating in these activities increased it became clear that the establishment of an industry association would be beneficial to further development to the Nations resources as well as the petroleum community. Rather than forming separate associations or branches of other petroleum orientated international associations and societies, it was felt that the industry could be better served by one organization through which direct and free communication of all professional industry skills and disciplines could be realised. With this objective in mind, representatives from seven organizations - Pertamina, Lemigas, BP, Caltex, Jenny Joint Venture, Shell and Union Oil, form a steering committee in 1969 for the purpose of establishing an association of individuals and companies connected with the Indonesian petroleum industry. The result was the charter of the Indonesian Petroleum Association, formally announced on March 24, 1971.
    During the last 30 years the IPA has already achieved much in terms of bringing people with common interests together and contributing to Indonesia's national development. In the process it has assisted in the realisation of company member goals, the advancement of individual members professional interest and has acted as successful bridge between industry and the Government of Indonesia. The IPA is the chosen vehicle to promote partnership in the Indonesian petroleum industry.

    Nearly same with other organization geology in the world The aims and objectives of the Association are to utilize non-confidential and non-proprietary information to promote the exploration, producing, refining/manufacturing, distribution and marketing aspects of the petroleum and geothermal industries in Indonesia, through:
    • Studying problems relating to such aspects of the petroleum industry at the national level and possible solutions of these problems.
    • Studying modern methods of the petroleum industry, which have been adopted in other countries for application in Indonesia.
    • Fostering a mutual respect between the Members of the Association, both private and Government (it being understood that no decision or action of the Association shall affect any contracts to which any of the members are parties).
    • Advancing new ideas relative to such aspects of the petroleum industry.
    • Fostering a spirit of scientific research among the Members of the Association.
    • Establishing contact and cooperation with similar professional organizations outside Indonesia.
    • Disseminating objective information and analysis concerning such aspects of the petroleum industry.
    • Maintenance of a high standard of professional conduct on the part of the Association Members.
    • Promotion of the development of the infrastructure necessary to support the petroleum industry in Indonesia.
    • Familiarization of the general public and educational institutions with current developments and problems of the petroleum industry.
    • Giving assistance to and encouraging potential university graduated in preparing for a career in the petroleum industry

    Hilangkan tanda obeng dan Tang

    Hilangkan tanda obeng dan Tang

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    70 ways to Improve your English

    These are 70 ways to improve your English. Due to limited space and characters in this box, I'll separate them in parts. Try them and see how they work with you Good luck !

    1. Start your own English language blog. Even for people who don't have to write in English, writing can be a great way of properly learning the kind of vocabulary you need to describe your own life and interests, and of thinking about how to stop making grammar mistakes. The problem most people have is that they don't know what to write about. One traditional way to make sure you write every day in English is to write an English diary (journal), and a more up to date way of doing this is to write a blog. Popular topics include your language learning experience, your experience studying abroad, your local area, your language, or translations of your local news into English.
    2. Write a news diary. Another daily writing task that can work for people who would be bored by writing about their own routines in a diary is to write about the news that you read and listen to everyday. If you include your predictions for how you think the story will develop (e.g. "I think Hillary will become president"), this can give you a good reason to read old entries another time, at which time you can also correct and mistakes you have made and generally improve what you have written.
    3. Sign up for a regular English tip. Some websites offer a weekly or even daily short English lesson sent to your email account. If your mobile phone has an e-mail address, it is also possible to have the tips sent to your phone to read on the way to work or school. Please note, however, that such services are not usually graded very well to the levels of different students, and they should be used as a little added extra or revision in your English studies rather than as a replacement for something you or your teacher have chosen more carefully as what you need to learn.
    4. Listen to MP3s. Although buying music on the internet is becoming more popular in many countries, not so many people know that you can download speech radio such as audio books (an actor reading out a novel) and speech radio. Not only is this better practice for your English than listening to English music, from sources like Scientific American, BBC and Australia's ABC Radio it is also free.
    5. Listen to English music. Even listening to music while doing something else can help a little for things like getting used to the natural rhythm and tone of English speech, although the more time and attention you give to a song the more you will learn from listening to it again in the future.
    6. Read the lyrics to a song. Although just listening to a song in English can be a good way of really learning the words of the chorus in an easily memorable way, if you want to really get something out of listening to English music you will need to take some time to read the lyrics of the song with a dictionary. If the lyrics are not given in the CD booklet, you may be able to find them on the internet, but please note that some lyrics sites deliberately put a few errors into their lyrics for copyright reasons. Once you have read and understood the lyrics, if you then listen and read at the same time, this can be a good way of understanding how sounds change in fast, natural, informal speech.
    7. Sing karaoke in English. The next stage after understanding and memorising a song is obviously to sing it. Although some words have their pronunciation changed completely to fit in with a song, most of the words have the same sounds and stressed syllables as in normal speech. Remembering which words rhyme at the end of each line can also be a good way of starting to learn English pronunciation.
    8. Write a film, music, hotel or book review. Another motivating and easy way to make yourself write in English is to write a review for a site such as Amazon or Internet Movie Database. Many non-native speakers write reviews on sites like this, and if you have some special understanding of the book, music or film due to your first language or knowing the artist personally, that would be very interesting for the English speakers who read and write reviews on the site.
    9. Only search in English. Switching your search engine to the English language version of msn, yahoo, Google etc. can not only be a good way of practising fast reading for specific information in English, but could also give you a wider choice of sites to choose from and give you an idea of what foreigners are writing about your country and area.
    10. Read a book you've already read or seen the movie of in your own language. Although most language learners under Advanced level would probably learn more from reading a graded reader or something from the internet than they would from reading an original book written for English speakers, for some people reading something like Harry Potter in the original can be a great motivator to improve their English. To make this easier for you and make sure that it motivates you rather than just making your tired, try reading a book that you already know the story of. This not only makes it easier to understand and guess vocabulary, but you are also more likely to remember the language in it. If you have not read the book before, reading a plot summary from the internet can also help in the same way.
    11. Read a translation into English. Another way of making sure books are easier to understand is to choose a book that was originally translated into English, preferably from your own language. Even if you haven't read the book in your own language, you will find the English is written in a slightly simplified way that is more similar to how your own language is written than a book originally written in English would be.
    12. Skip the first ten pages. If you have given up with a book in English or are reading it very slowly, try skimming through the first ten pages or skipping them completely. The start of most books tend to be mainly description and are therefore full of difficult vocabulary and don't have a clear story line yet to help you understand what is happening and to motivate you to turn the next page. If the book is still too difficult even after the introductionary part is finished, it is probably time to give that book up for now and try it again after you have read some easier things.
    13. Read a book with lots of dialogue. Opening up books before you buy one and flicking through them to find one with lots of direct dialogue in it has several advantages. If there is less text on the page due to all the speech marks etc, this can make it easier to read and easier to write translations on. Dialogue is also much easier to understand than descriptive parts of a book, and is much more like the language you will want to learn in order to be able to speak English.
    14. Read English language comics. Even more than books with lots of dialogue, comics can be easy to understand and full of idiomatic language as it is actually spoken. There can be difficulties with slang, difficult to understand jokes and/ or dialogue written how people speak rather than with normal spellings, so try to choose which comic carefully. Usually, serious or adventure comics are easier to understand than funny ones.
    15. Read English language entertainment guides. Nowadays most big cities in the world have an English language magazine and/ or online guide to the movies, plays, exhibitions that are on in the city that week. Reading this in English is not only good value, but it could also guide you to places that English speakers are interested in and where you might hear some English spoken around you.


    son in law love mother in law / Menantu sayang mertua

    Versi Indonesia:

    Alkisah ada Seorang ibu yang Punya 3 menantu dari ke-3 putrinya yang cantik-cantik, sang ibu mertua ingin tahu apakah ketiga menantunya itu sayang kepada mertuanya atau cuma putrinya doang.

    Dia lalu memutuskan menguji mereka secara bergantian. Suatu hari dia mengajak menantu pertama naik perahu motor ke tengah laut. Di sana dia sengaja menjatuhkan dirinya dari perahu & terlempar ke dalam air laut. Sang menantu tanpa pikir panjang langsung terjun menyelamatkan ibu mertuanya.
    Besoknya ketika keluar rumah, sang menantu pertama melihat mobil Nissan Livina terparkir di depan rumah, & secarik kertas bertulisan "Dari ibu mertuamu".

    Giliran menantu ke-2 yang diajak ke tengah laut. Sekali lagi sang mertua pura-pura terjatuh & terlempar keluar perahu. Menantu kedua ini melupakan pakaian & dompetnya, langsung terjun demi menyelamatkan mertua tercinta.
    Besoknya di depan rumah menantu ke-2 terparkir Toyota Alphard, disertai kertas bertuliskan "Dari ibu mertuamu"

    Ketika giliran menantu ke-3 diajak ke tengah laut, sang mertua kembali melakukan gerakan terjun bebas. Tapi apes, kali ini sang menantu malah berkecak pinggang memandangi ibu mertuanya yang megap-megap di dalam air.
    Sempat-sempatnya dia berkata, "Rasain loe!", sambil berputar membawa perahunya ke darat. Besok harinya ketika menantu ini keluar rumah, di depan rumahnya terparkir Mercedes Benz S-Class terbaru beserta kertas bertuliskan, "Dari ayah mertuamu"

    English version:

    once upon a time there are mother that have 3 daughter. all daughter already have a husband. as mother in law, she want to know how does the all husband feel toward her. whether they love his mother in law or just love his wife. so, mother in law decided to make a test toward all the husband of her daughter.

    one day, the husband of the first daughter named Riko go with his mother in law to the sea by boat. when they stop in the middle of the sea, mother in law wilifully jump to the sea. so, the mother in law drawning in the sea. without thingking so long, Riko jump and swim to help his mother in law. tomorow morning in front of Riki house, there is a Nissan Livina Car and a letter that said "from your mother in law"

    next day, the husband of the second daughter named Raka go with his mother in law to the sea by boat too. mother in law wilifully jump to the sea again. without think about his wallet and shirt Raka jump and help his mother in law. tomorow morning in front of Raka house, there is a Toyota Alphard and a letter that said "from your mother in law"

    finally, the husband of the third daughter named Riki go with his mother in law to sea again. as we know, mother in law wilifully jum to sea again. unfortunately, Riki just reticence and watch his mother in law drawning and die. in fact Riki said "go to hell bitch"
    tomorow morning in front of Riki house, there is a NEW S-Class Mercedes-Benz and a letter that said " From Your FATHER in law"


    Panas Bumi

    Suatu model lapisan bumi berikut unsur-unsur yang dominan dimasing-masing lapisan tersebut telah dirilis oleh J. Marvin Herndon dalam CURRENT SCIENCE, VOL. 88, NO. 7, 10 APRIL 2005. Model tersebut, sebagaimana yang ditampilkan di atas, merupakan model terakhir yang diakui oleh kalangan ilmuwan geofisika, meskipun masih diperdebatkan khususnya pada bagian inti bumi (inner core) apakah keadaannya berupa liquid (cairan) atau solid (padat) atau plasma? Adapun pada lapisan outer-core, para ilmuwan sepakat bahwa kandungan unsur pada lapisan tersebut didominasi oleh Fe (iron atau unsur besi).

    Sementara itu, beberapa pakar dari University College London telah melakukan simulasi dengan superkomputer Cray T3E untuk mengukur temperatur tinggi yang bisa melelehkan besi dalam tekanan yang sangat tinggi sebagaimana yang ada di inti bumi. Hasil simulasi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa titik leleh atau titik lebur besi adalah pada suhu 6700 Kelvin pada tekanan diantara inner-core dan outer-core di perut bumi. Temuan ini mendukung model sebelumnya yang mengatakan bahwa temperatur inti bumi berkisar pada suhu tersebut.

    Dari sini sebuah pertanyaan sainstifik bisa dimunculkan, yaitu darimana inti bumi mendapatkan energi panas yang dahsyat tersebut? Para ilmuwan masih percaya bahwa semua itu dihasilkan oleh reaksi fisi nuklir alamiah (geo-reaktor) yang terjadi di dalam inner-core. Itulah sebabnya dalam model (gambar) di atas, Herndon menempatkan uranium sebagai unsur yang mendominasi bagian inner-core, dimana kita semua tahu bahwa uranium adalah salah satu unsur radioaktif yang bisa menghasilkan reaksi fisi nuklir. Asumsi akan adanya georeaktor tersebut cukup tepat untuk menjawab teka-teki mengenai keberadaan isotop helium yang begitu melimpah, sekaligus juga menjelaskan fenomena variasi medan geomagnetik bumi. Demikianlah logikanya.
    Mungkin ada baiknya menyaksikan film fiksi-ilmiah berjudul The Core yang bercerita tentang ekspedisi para ilmuwan menuju inti bumi. Mereka turun ke dasar bumi dari palung Mariana di samudra Pasifik yang merupakan palung terdalam di dunia dengan kedalaman mencapai 11 km. Tapi saran saya jangan buru-buru percaya sama kondisi perut bumi yang ditampilkan dalam film tersebut. Namanya juga fiksi.

    Inspired By DR. Supriyanto
    Fisika Universitas Indonesia

    Plate Tectonic Processes

    Kerak bumi (crust) terdiri dari dua jenis lempengan (plate) yaitu lempeng samudera (oceanic plate) dan lempeng benua (continental plate). Lempeng benua lebih tebal dibandingkan lempeng samudera. Namun densitas lempeng samudera lebih besar dari pada lempeng benua. Kedua jenis lempeng tersebut berada dalam posisi mengapung di atas mantel bumi yang berupa semi-cairan yang sangat panas yang dikenal dengan magma. Cairan panas tersebut tidak diam, melainkan berputar atau mengalir mengikuti pola konveksi akibat perbedaan temperatur yang tinggi antara inti bumi dan mantel bumi. Aliran konveksi tersebut mempengaruhi kestabilan lempeng benua dan lempeng samudera sehingga lempeng-lempeng tersebut bergerak bahkan saling bertabrakan satu sama lain. Pada saat lempeng samudera bertabrakan dengan lempeng benua, karena memiliki desitas lebih tinggi, maka lempeng samudera melesak atau menunjam (subducting) ke bawah lempeng benua. Inilah yang terjadi di bagian selatan pulau Jawa dan bagian barat pulau Sumatera. Lempengan Indo-Australia yang memuat Australia, India dan Samudera Hindia melesak ke bawah lempeng Eurasia yang memuat benua Asia, termasuk Indonesia. Pada saat menghunjam ke bagian yang lebih dalam dimana temperatur dan tekanannya lebih tinggi, lempeng samudera tersebut meleleh menjadi magma. Adanya rekahan-rekahan di bagian lempeng benua sebagai akibat dari gesekan dan tabrakan tadi membuka jalan bagi magma untuk menerobos ke atas mendekati permukaan bumi sekaligus mendorong lempeng benua membentuk gunung api. Proses ini disebut intrusi magma. Sebenarnya, deretan gunung api semacam inilah yang membentuk Sumatera, Jawa, Bali, Lombok dan pulau-pulau dengan gunung api lain sampai ke Laut Banda. Terkadang magma tersebut memperoleh jalan untuk menuju ke permukaan bumi dan muncul sebagai lava. Ini terjadi pada saat terjadi letusan gunung api.


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